Successful entrepreneurs and franchise executives with over 75 years combined experience, our founders have seen how predictable wealth can be within a structured business model. They have helped countless people become franchise owners and witnessed the lifestyle changes that result – big homes, luxury cars, swimming pools, college funds, summer homes, retirement savings, and family vacations. Our founders saw firsthand how franchising can be a proven path to realizing the American dream.
They also learned the hard way that not everyone has good intentions. Some of the people our founders helped became selfish with their newfound wealth. In 2019, a group of them changed everything. They stole customers, trade secrets, and the business system that had taken over a decade to build. Their actions left our founders with an unsustainable business and no funds to pursue justice. As easy as it would have been to quit, our founders chose a different path. They were determined to carry the business forward on a new foundation built upon the lesson they had learned:
“If we’re not better together, we shouldn’t be together at all.”
When COVID hit and BLM protests inflamed our nation, our founders were enlightened with a new appreciation of the systemic inequities that had deprived generations. They wondered if they could leverage their franchise experience to make a change. If building a business also builds wealth, why couldn’t franchise opportunities be redesigned to be more inclusive?
Traditionally, franchise opportunities have been made available to those with access to capital, and lots of it – cash in the bank, high net worth, and deep financial pockets. Our founders envision a world where these social and economic barriers are removed and everyone has equal opportunity to generate wealth from building a franchised business, regardless of financial means. They see unlimited potential in a reformed franchise model as a solution to closing the wealth gap and achieving racial wealth equality.
Most recently, Better Together Brands was selected for the 2022 Rally Social Enterprise Accelerator, a world renowned social innovation program developed to solve pressing community issues, made possible by the Central Florida Foundation. Our founders look forward to partnering with aligned groups and organizations within the Rally community to create positive social change in Orange County, Florida and beyond.
Everything really does happen for a reason. Who are you #BetterTogether with today?
Paul & Debbie
We believe we are #BetterTogether.
We believe working together with the right people creates extraordinary results that are unattainable alone. We nurture these relationships for the long term based on mutual respect and trust.
We partner with people whose values align deeply with our own. People who make us better. Stronger. Happier. Healthier. People who celebrate our progress just like we celebrate theirs, as true collaboration brings success for all.
When one wins, we all win … and that’s what life is all about!
- Innovation through Inclusion – we believe open minds change the world
- Collaboration with Integrity – we believe honest partnerships reward our journey
- Strength in Alignment – we believe common dreams inspire uncommon results
- Progress through Purpose – we believe a better tomorrow is built on humanitarian pursuits


Debbie Blacher
A highly motivated social entrepreneur who believes the American dream belongs to us all, Debbie learned early on that entrepreneurial life was made for her. She sold lollipops in high school for 500% profit to pay for her first car. She never looked back. After graduating with her MBA, Debbie joined her first start up in northern Virginia. She loved the autonomy and accomplishment that came with working in a small business. Ten years later and pregnant with her third son, Debbie launched and then franchised a healthy school lunch business in Orlando, Florida. She grew the franchise company to over $6 million in system sales while focused on a mission to make nutritious meals available to every child. Today, Debbie channels her entrepreneurial passion into Better Together Brands, the social impact company she co-founded to close the wealth gap through the power of franchising.

Paul Wolbert
A deeply experienced C level executive who imagines a world where all entrepreneurs can launch a meaningful business without breaking the bank. Paul grew up in franchising and has helped thousands of people get into business for themselves through the franchise model. After 40+ years experience building and growing the most recognizable multi-unit national franchise brands, Paul was intrigued by a Florida concept that promoted healthy school meals. As a youth and college athlete, Paul understood the impact nutrition has on development and performance and wanted to make a difference in the lives of future generations. Now, with Better Together Brands, he is focused on identifying and mentoring franchise concepts that can be expanded through the social enterprise model he co-founded. Paul is most excited about making the world a better place by adding value and opportunity to the communities we live and work.